Whew...Just got home. Hecka Pooped - It's been a crazy week. Full of work and play and seduction and my own wordetry and artistry. You know those wake up calls are almost familiar to me now. Almost. My clothes are scented with cologne and my sleepy dreams are being invaded. I don't like it. Here we go - I'll do my best to recap the last 24 hours.
...the Who...
I left the house for work today a bit bleary. I've been having some very late nights and happy distractions so I'll admit - I was daydreaming. I was going with the flow of traffic and didn't think anything of it. Then a police officer on a motorcycle pulled me over. I said,"is there a problem..." He gives me his serious face,"what do you think the problem is..." I simply said,"I was going with the flow of traffic sir..." He laughs and says and how fast do you think you were driving???" I shrug and say," I was in 4th gear so maybe 7 miles over..." He asks in disbelief,"you think you were doin 42?" I nod and say,"yup" He flips the little radar gun over and the magic number is 62. I look up at him with my Hello Kitty Face and go no way...that thing should be calibrated. He laughed!!! Long story short - he let me go sayin' only this,"get out of here kid, and be safe."
Who would have thunk?
...The Wut...


I hate to let her go. It's actually one of my favourites.
But it's time.
So I'm putt putt putting along in my car and my phone rings. It's my sister Keyla - she says hey - I say what's up..she said you know your painting hugis? I say Yah... she says, well Xtina wants to buy it. I say well it's a diptych...and she says ok - so we figure out the numbers based on a commission I did for Melissa's now fiance and it's a done deal. I sold a painting driving down the freeway. Bwaa hahahha. How many people make money rollin' in a drop top. WUT.
...the When...
So I was workin' through the day. Everything was very clear cut and no surprises....I was kinna butthurt though coz I really wanted to see Grime and Public Enemy on Broadway. But it was just not happening - I had a lot of stuff stacked and there was no delaying work. Then I get a text from Signorino Grimey before 8 sayin' they were gonna perform at the Blunt!!! Whatttttt. Crazy shit. So I finish up a cake for a black and gold party and another - run to the Biltmore real quick to make sure the cake is all good. I see the girls there and I'm sooooo happy to see Lupita, Marilu and Carla - they haven't seen me in like 6 weeks and they were freakin' out. They are like OMG - what the hell - being single is makin' you dangerous. hahaha. They called me their heroine - huh?
I told them I'd see them before Christmas and that I love them. Then I hit the drive thru ATM, pulled a couple notes and hit the 202. It was already past 10 by then and I was really dreading that there might be a line at blunteezy - but....there wasn't at all.
...The Where..
Thankfully, I got there right on time. Perfect timing actually - coz there were still parking spaces in the main lot. This was the first time I saw Grime perform and I loved it. He has this symbiotic magnetism with the crowd - but I'll talk about it another time. I got smooshed during the first 6 Public Enemy Songs so I have no pics of them. I've been so busy the last couple thursdays - I haven't had a chance to go - and I'm still fighting a cold right now - but here it is.
The night always starts with Wendy...Effin' Fabulous
Lucky Skip gets to be the meat again...

I gotta open my eyes more often. Sika is always fresh and Dumper moves to fast...for my little drunken finger to push the button.

Miss Krystal...Holla with your new Steez...

Finally got that pic with Crash - nice Cameo A-run...

Okay A-run you can have your own...

Paulski aka Gnez...you make the best faces ever! See you on Sunday - whereupon I will pay for my custom turtle painting and you will also have ziti and lots of wine with all of us.

Mattx is on some Guerilla shit - check out Jarrod in the back

Alex...Sauce...I've missed you forever and ever and I haven't even seen you since Kill Grill was held at the old Homie Hideout. Everytime I see you it's just smiles and hugs and cheffery...When you get to the Ziti Gig - you will do no cooking...you will just do eating and drinking...k?

Omg!!! Girls - Finally. damnnit.

Slumber Party at your house on Friday so we roll together on Saturday

Go to the Fortoul Gig " On a need to know basis" Brickhouse 9pm Sat.
or ELSE, I'm comin' for yo asses with a knife...okay - i'm bad at the mad face crap...I'll stick to my smiley face...

Laura you drunkie!!! How you gonna cut of Bobby with his Dub.
Bobby-ito - I owe you ONE pineapple cheesecake - ya heard? Yah these guys right here - throwin' the best damn party ever - better see your asses at the Brickhouse this Saturday @ 9pm. DJ Sucio - yanno!

Drunkies are not allowed to hold the camera anymore...

I think this is better...with Isaac and Bobby in deep conversation back there. bwaa hahhaha

How come Wendy Calls you Matteo...
Ps) I'm so down for muay thai...

Fabulously/Sadly - the night always ends with Wendy:
I dunno who that dude is though.

...Erm...thank you Hydacious and Diosa for always bein' cool as shit...thank you Baron for walkin' me to my car after dude with the word "crack" in his name holla-ed at me. Uh, how's that cat gonna be like you walk like your the shit...I said that's my natural stroll fool. Then he asked for a hug - do thugs need hugs?
...The Why...
Why are we having Sunday Dinner at Wendy's? Coz we can and coz I told Grime so. So this is the deal - if you have issues such as pork or beef you better talk to me or Wendy now. Ziti Dinner is this Sunday - between 8 - 9pm. I will also be making a broccoli casserole coz Wendy needs her fiber - bwaa hahahha. I hope to see Tone and Drew there - ya heard. If anyone wants to bring anything...let us know. It's gonna be fun...
...the rest of Why...
Why not feast together all the time. My drive by cheffing is welcome by my friends and I love being around you all. It's so nice to laugh and chill and eat but not in a club setting. So...here's the next 2...
Sat, December 16: Gya's 2nd Bomblette Brunch...noonish
Sat, January 06: Miss V's Gangsta noodle Bowl feast...noonish
Just watch my calendar...and hope you are invited. But if you're cool with everyone and cool with me then just bring your ass on. However, if you have crossed me or have been cut from my life know that you will NEVER eat anything that comes from my hands. These hands only make food and wordetry out of love. There is no room for taint.
...on the How...
How is it possible to have your plate so full that there is enough to share. How is it possible that I forgot how fun shows are. How is it possible that it is in my ear, in my eyes, on paper, in text messages, on my voicemail, in the leery eyes of strangers, even in those cut and discarded. Everything is so clear yet it is becoming unreal. Sometimes, I'll be working on something or sitting quietly and I have an urge to laugh - it's all sheer insanity - and the funny thing is - hahha...the funny thing is...
Nevermind...that's another story...