So the other day I pop by the house...I don't think I've been home since Asian Festival or when I do get home everyone's knocked out...I go in the garage and there is a new...burgundy...Jeep Commander TOY FOR My SISTER...
I just laugh...then as I walk in the door I look at the furthest spot in the garage and my brother has a new Bee-meezie as well!!! His other car was 6 months old at BEST! You guys keep on with all this we'll need a 4 car garage instead of the 3 car garage we got. Bwaa hahhaha. I walk in the house where Keyla and Xtina are waving the remotes at the big screen. I pop a load of laundry in and say WUUUUUT are you chicas doin??? They said we are playin' Wii. I start laughing...I'm like I haven't seen you in a week and look at all this going on...and my brother is in Calie on business. Jeez.
So I ask the girls if they want to go to Costco in a couple days and they start laughing and say haha we're leaving for Orlando in the morning...I'm like HUH...they are like YEAH **still playin' Wii** I'm like you guys suck. Ironically, the last time we went to Disneyworld was also on a Mother's Day weekend and we had Mom with us that time.
In that quick few minutes lookin' around the house and talking to everyone I've decided that since we are all unmarried, without any kiddos, mortgages handled, school done and with a bit of leisure income --- adulthood is as cool as I expected it to be. When I was little I thought "grown" people could get what they want when they wanted to...stay up late...and everything was fun. Lately...that's what it is --- like being a big kid with a real income.'s not about the money. It's about that freedom to get what you want when you want it. I think the one of the hardest things would be to want something and not being able to get it after you've been working so hard. It's so nice and so bless-ed to look at luxuries and comforts and not have it feel like a life decision. We don't have to decide between the filet mignon or a full tank of gas...we need it and we get it --- It ain't no life decision. It takes pressure off of your mind to have capability...
Bwaa hahahhaha
So...last week I decided that angry people crack me up. Keep bein angry I'm just gonna be over here grinding my day out and smiling in my own orbit.
The funny thing is, most times really angry people aren't angry at anyone but themselves / the condition of their lives / the pervasive lonliness / the lack of communion and kinship / an ingrown toenail / hell - i dunno...but you can have that coz I have too many fun and positive things to pay attention to!!!
so - everyone is talkin' politics...this candidate - that candidate blah di blah yada yada yada. First of all...the party system doesn't mean jack shit because our judicial system is all F****D up. One does not necessarily sway the other so albeit people go into office and make laws; the enacting and enforcing of them is totally whack. Second of all, don't regurgitate some party hype as if you were spewing your own knowledge and political saavy. Chances are you don't know are just regurgitating some BULLSHIT from someone trying to cultivate your vote. Don't lie to anyone and don't lie to yourself. You have no are just spitting out what someone shoved in your open mouth. Finally - Despite all this I vote. I vote because a lot of women fought for me to have the right to vote...I vote because they marched and rallied going against men and society so that I would have a voice. So even if I put Bart Simpson or Donald Duck in a write in ballot. I vote.
so...utterly hilarious...
So my friend Bree and I are talking and we are talkin' about people who casually have children they can't afford. This makes me laugh to no end. I said they can go ahead and use those state benefits because I paid all of 9 dollars to the state this year - I'll spot you on some WIC.
so...I also love that they can't afford to nest or develop them they are often ILL FED, unMANNERED, unKEMPT and just bad in general. I'm sure some of you are sayin' that I don't have kids - but ask my best friend - she'll tell you. I make things happen. Higher Living via Learn-ed Living. society a favor. Don't walk around in full make up and dolled up when your kids fail to say please or thank you. Don't walk around with your nails and hair done lookin' all cute when your child has less breeding than my best friends dog. Don't act like everything is okay when your kid is living on chicken nuggets and junk food, or they aren't acting right in public. Don't act like the baby needs something when you just took YOURSELF shopping. Just Don't.
so...far away...

So Keyla tells me - Mom said she's sending you a ticket to go to the Philippines in August...I'm like Word? She's like yeah - it's time for you to go visit. She also mentions that I should see Lola (our grandmother) and my godparents. So I'm thinkin' like 9 or 10 days overseas with maybe a side trip to Hong Kong since it's just a 45 minute flight from Manila. I tell Julian this and he's like how much is a ticket to the Philippines? I tell him. He's like NO PROBLEM...I just need a passport. I laughed and laughed when he said that - cause it will be beaches, scuba diving and more tropical fruit than he can stand. cause it's gonna be nightlife and museums and exotic smoothies with some liquor jolted in. My lola is going to love Julian...but she always smiles at beautiful people.

Hidden Valley...Laguna Philippines
Julian can play some golf on Boracay while I catch up with some writing. We can also hit the waterfalls and hotsprings of Hidden Valley. Maybe pick up a little Strawberry Wine in Baguio. Damn Fabulous.
Like I said...I always thought adulthood would be this fun.
Doin' everything you were advised to do educationally, culturally, socially and morally eventually pays off - if you enter it with the right mindset.
I'm at ease. I'm so at ease.