You know what you get for originality and drive? You get fucking crucified. I got this treatment in Beginning Baking. I got straight hated on. Two of us would turn in the same exact product and I would get like 2-4 points lower than the other girl. Frankly I won't put up with this shit...I'll switch to another time module. I will not be graded unfairly. First of all, let me say --- good for them they got a hella good grade. Second of all, let me say --- I do not deserve a lower grade than anyone else, not when my station is always tv ready and my products are photo ready. I stayed on top of my shit and I was ready to dress the plate with 8 thumbnails of potential platings. Thirdly, look at the pics below, they speak for themselves.
I did an 8 inch round for the charlotte russe. Lady fingers all the way around and a cocentric circle base. Not a DROP of that bavarian mousse dripped. My lady finger fence closed all the way around and I had NIL seepage...I also made sure that i piped and baked off those circles and separated fingers...to ensure the design was uniform with the cake so the top indicates what type of cake it is and the mousse stayed smooth and unPUTRIFIED by a bunch of bullshit plating. I threw it off the plate too quickly since I was disgusted with it, but I had the plate zigzagged with creme Anglaise and a smattering of pistachio - that lovely fucking hydrangea green looked smashing against the mousse. Observe on the top of the cake I sliced one lady finger vertically just to prove my knife skills are neat and clean...
Notice the balance...It is neither overdone nor underdone...the white corners of whipped cream is only for accent and to seal the corners...Notice how shiny that plate is...I did everything but rub it on my fucking KNOCKERS. Notice that there is both subtlety and balance. However I was reprimanded for hitting the roulade with the brown part out. Whatever. that pale spongy inside is ugly, without contrast it all looked kaka, so I reversed it...also, everyone did theirs in little domes. I did mine in the cylinders so it was all okay closed tight and cinched right...Of course I got reprimanded for 2 spots of seepage.
So in the end. What is my grade. I got a 95. I looked around the room. I saw runny chocolate. I saw drippy sloppy slutty leaky preserves. I saw corny ass fucking curlicues and rosettes. 90 percent of the class didn't even sauce. I had my sauce chilling in a mini bucket before the cake was even locking in the blast freezer. I had glaze going while my plates were resting. So I got 4 points here and there due to little knocks to my score. I was bitching in the hallway to nuSun and I know chef heard and I really don't give a shit. Coz I'll straight switch to the mid day class. I don't much give a shit, but I know this. I finished my shit 8pm. I started at 6:15. I knocked out 1 large cake and 4 small cakes in less than 2 hours. With a cleaner station. With cleaner slices. With advanced preparation for plate dressings and without wasting any shit. So how is it that the others scores 2 or 3 points higher than me.
Only St Michael knows. You know how he knows. Coz he's the patron saint of bakers that's how.
Then one of those girls tried to give me a hug. She got 2 points higher than me and her shit was sliced all fat like beat up pussy. Then of ALL fucking people...Jena told me well girl it doesn't matter once you get out of school...no one looks at your grade. I said it's not just the grade Jena, it's the principal of the matter. My shit was hammered out quick and on point tonight - there is no god damn reason that I should score 2-4 points lower than everyone else. What the fuck ever. I hate that shit when people sit on their glorious fucking 99 (including leaky smudgy ringed chocolate) and tell ME that grades don't matter. Bwaaa muhfucking haha. That's some funny ass shit. That's like a perfectly healthy marathon racer telling a LEUKEMIA patient, health doesn't matter.
That's hella fuckin hilarious almost. All this corny tacky shit with a bunch of yucky fucking frou frou piping got a better grade than mine. Well excuse the flambeed FUCK out of me if I have some semblance of taste. i mean fucking MAAK HUOP YEEEH mind...that's freaking afrikaanslish for open your fuckin mind...Excuse the fuck out of me for actually doin what I need to do and not snivelling about it. Let those bitches bake cakes. But they are gonna be in a world of hurt when it comes to design time. I already saw this one hoe looking at my thumbnails of my platings and I said straight up to her inverted grill -- I hate it when people copy my shit, it gets on my nerves and makes me hostile...at that point everyone left me alone. It's game on now. Hahahahha. They seem to forget I used to be the evil corporate project manager bitch. I've been riding cool, but now I'mma ride their asses. I ain't even hearing that shit.
Funny shit is - everyone got moved to different stations all throughout the class so it couldn't even be said that we were helping each other or whatever - coz its not. Fuck, I think i was like 2nd or 3rd done.
Whatever, I'm taking it next level. Game over you crackwhores.
So my phone is turned the fuck off and I'm gonna put on some tuPac and smoke a square...