chocolate vanilla bavarian (mousse cake)
That was my final and I got an A...I was pretty confident that I was gonna get that A only just because we practiced the damn thing like 4 x. but you know shit - I was really shooting for a 97 so I was disappointed that I only got a 95. Oh damn well, what can I do. Just keep pluggin on and begrudgingly accept the damn A's I get...
That cake is damn good - coz the vanilla mousse and chocolate mousse are separated by a thin layer of chocolate biscuit cake. It borders bitter but the cream levels it out.
It's been such a fun ass week. Just catching up and hanging out and he's met all the girls and stuff --- so while I'm in class he holes up in the rapper holdout with full access to the internet and phone while I kick 5 or so hours @ school. LOL...that way I don't have to drive all the way home things being how late it is. LOL.
It's so funny --- it's like we have not been apart for 6 weeks. It's like from minute one in Palm Springs we've just been blah blah blah churr churr churr yada yada yada...He loves the desert as much as the desert loves him and it's strange but he just seems to fit into all this sun and pavement. We went to one gig and then he touched base and now he's got 2 shows. So next week we got 2 things to hit...
I can't complain about one damn thing.
He met dad - thumbs up.
He met kuya - thumbs up.
He met Katie and Kae - thumbs up.
He met Jenatick - thumbs up.
Hahaha many many of the white girls seem to like him. If they only knew they are the wrong side of baked. This one Asian girl at the club was eye-in' him like Polka Kielbasa in the grocers freezer. That's some mad funny shit - coz I don't even think her outfit cost as much as my caramel coloured stilletto boots. It was most funny. So now life resumes - and he tells me, " you are one weird girl...and I'm glad you're mine..." I said, " why is that..." He laughed and said," coz I'll never be bored for the rest of my life..." Imagine that...
Alfie sent me a comment sayin, " this is the kyootest pic ever..." the best part of it is that the one she picked is the one that is my favourite. Artists share the same vision...It's amazing how happy we look - but more amazing than that is how happy we are...we move in tandem and still finish each others sentences - even though he is getting more comfortable being my best friend and talkin shit to me.Not so Minty Fresh Muhfukka...
He's talkin' about stayin...
I can't imagine a day without him
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