...laggin on the food blogs - and such
But I'm still in the kitchen...still love the game...still Kickin ASS...
The following is just a series of food pics...I figured I might as well put them up with a few words - since my food pics get 10x more views than my personal ones...
There are still meals for Mr. Man aka Kibby aka Julian...
Chicken with Yams and Chinese Long Bean
Cheerio Apple Jack Treats with Cranberries and Almonds
Asparagus Beef...coz we both love asparagus all day
Then there's those random requests that include everything from beef melts - to grilled cheese - to nachos - to pan fried noodles...Even tho he's never requested anything coz he will eat anything (we ain't too big on swine except ribs)...this time he said,"I want crispy shrimp...we got any of that tempura stuff?" I laughed and said YES...and even threw in some tempura zuchinni. haha.
Beef Ribs and Roasted Potato Salad just because...
Then there's pastries that get mde for local golf pros coz they are nice enough to COMP our greens fees - LOL. It didn't start out like that - they were just hookin Julian up coz they found him to be this great guy with a positive outlook well - I sent cookies as a thank you because it's not right to get something for nothing. but well. you know the rest...
I still make stuff from Scratch...that's just how I get down. My mother in law City Momma gave me the best compliment ever,"you're pastries are gooood Saucy - and I know coz I make mine from SCRATCH" Awww.
The makings of a cupcake
Just icing and cake yanno...
Then there's cookies for LIFE sendin these jokers all around the world lately
I mean really how many times can he have asparagus...
Asparagus Parmesan Pasta to bring to work with leftover ribs
Last Gangsta Noodle for us at the crib...We've been workin' on emptying the fridge and pantry for the last week so all we had was nong shim noodle bowls, shrimp, asparagus, onion rings and herbs. Hence - Gangsta Noodles...
Ironically he wanted ramen instead of rice. haha
After Golf he usually just wants some kind of salad topped with Chicken or Steak
And then there's the "TACO THING" Any time of day, any day of the week and any kind of filling Mr. Man will eat Tacos! It's pretty bad - I keep 1lb of cooked taco beef filling at all times in the house for him and/or his random buddies that drop by. One time we had a bunch of left over fried chicken so I shredded and chopped it - threw it with garlic, onion, some ancho chili and oregano and shoved it in a taco and he was like,"DELISCIOUS" Hahahah
Start the Spanish Rice and then make the filling...
Make some salsa...garlic, onion, tomato, green onion, cilantro, lime juice, oregano and a little california chili powder and jalapeno...ta DA. If u gotta do store bought - get that HERDEZ and just add some el Pato.
Warm up the tortillas, add rice on the side, build the tacos and add chips. DONE
My mom always jokes,"your husband fell in love in the kitchen - he will not leave you he is TOO smart..." Hahahaha. He always says,"the kitchen lovin is only a small part of it - but i love that cookin BeBe..." Bwaa hahahhaha.
Then there is food for the Homies...to be honest I haven't taken hardly any food pics coz I'm on the move all the time or else I don't have the digi cam...but here's a sampling of it...
For Kzo and Brit...
Chicken Parmesan atop Penne Pasta and some Kzo Toast. LOL
and finish off the day with Choco Cupcakes and fresh Raspberries
Random meals also made for Wendy and the Mamas...
And for the Homies Home made Wontons with Ginger Beefy. Funniest thing i heard via Wendy..."We were leaving the club and mamas said,'i wish Saucy's was open 24 hours" LMFAOOOOOO.
Thanksgiving @ Easter for Country Momma - Just happy Faces...
Chef People do Collabo's too.
Me and Monica split duties on a baby shower - I had cookie duty...
They tasted pretty good - Lemon Butter cookies with little stewie style head...I was laughin when Monica said me and my Dad ate all the ones that no one took. I said whatchoo mean no one took - I made enough for everyone. She said,"well they din't take them and I didn't remind them either so me and my Dad could eat them..."
Not bad for 2 sleep deprived Heffas...
Mr. Man saw me off in my sleepy haze
Just Fields of cookies...I didnt get a pic of the mini cookies...
Food is just an intrinsic part of my life now. Funny that even if I go weeks without seeing anyone I'll still cook big meals to "race myself" and see if I can knock out 6 dishes in 45 minutes (yeah, I still can)...Mr. Man wants to open a small 10 seater food joint next year - We'll see if we do it.
People really started eye molesting Mr. Mans lunches and suggesting that they would steal his lunches - so THIS guy started selling bagged lunches at work - chicken or beef on wheat, 1 oz of tortilla chips and a small choco chip cookie for 5 bucks. LOL - some days I'm makin 5-10 sandwhiches and it ends up payin for our groceries so it's okay.
People at my work still talk about the damn nacho bar I had for my sisters birthday last November - hahaha.
People still make "the face" when they eat any pastries I make...lol.
People tell me I can still fart magic and make something out of nothing...that was born of necessity in my broke days and growin up with a Mom that cooked for a living.
People always come over and say no no no don't make anything...Yeah right - that's not how I get down in my house
People always takin me out to eat.
People still hit me up for recipes online and I will give up a recipe any time - any place if I have what you want in my knowledge base.
People still lack that basic act of family getting together not only to break bread but to make bread together...I try to keep that alive in my house...
I've been told my game is on a different level...coz my man will even come home at halftime to eat and/or say HI. hahhaa. I've heard of some hoebags at the bar tellin Julian,"why you act like that....why are you such a dick to us" He's laughs and says,"coz I dont mess with ur kind - I got a WOMAN at home throwin down and doin her own thing..." Hoebag say,"oh she at home cookin or what???" as if it were negative...THEN his friends chime in,"noooo - she's COOOKIN -- like pshhh pssh pssh - makin saute noises - coz the girl gets down" Then they start retellin stories of what they eat or how I make them things on the fly and then go back to my own pursuits like 14 minutes later. haha.
Don't hate hoebags.
Hoebags make me laugh, with their sloppy behaviour, attention getting maneuvers, dirty toenails and a nasty ass toe ring...with their scuzzy fingernails and corny haircut and clothes and when their feet lift off their flipflops why the bottom of their feet black as TAR??? You wanna come at me try harder. That's why I don't go to the bar with Julian anymore. The last time I went I had to hit a mouthy tramp on a shoulder pressure point and knock her down while sitting down havin a soda. I warned her if I get up out this chair - it's gonna get ethnic in this mothuhfucka...
One time this HOE jokingly hit Mr. Man in the head...I approached her and calmly said,"the next time you hit my MOTHUHFUCKA in the HEAD...All this furniture is gonna get moved around and I'm fuckin you up on SIGHT" She said "sorry" I replied,"I know your ass is sorry - NEVER let that happen again..." After I left she asked all the homies (mixed races and creeds and all that),"Does she just hate white girls or what?" They laughed in her HOE face and said,"NO she just don't like YOUR dumb ass"
I'mma tell you this. I know for a fact you DUURTY hoes have given your man and my man food poisoning - LITERALLY - and you own nothing, have nothing do nothing hookers have the nerve to TRY and clown me coz I have a hearth. I also KNOW FOR A FACT - that your men have cheated on you repeatedly with some random knob slobbin hoes because they don't feel a damn thing for you except they want your half of the rent. I also know that you would jump on my Man if you could - but you can't coz his Momma already taught him - NO FLOOZIES IN THE HOUSE.
I love Haters....I've said this before and I'll say it Again...
"All your bullshit is just fertilizer for my success"