My lover likes girls in glasses... they call them spectacles coz they are done up in that manner... to look like eyeglasses. Really its a flaky evil deliscious Danish... I put Chocolate Creamcheese on one side... I put Lemon Cheesecake creamcheese on the Other... They come out so pretty for me... Danish is so obedient to my whims... I made a few other kinds... Lemon Creamcheese topped with blueberry raspberry compote Some with Almond butter inside Some with Cinnamon butter inside... I wish I would have taken more pics, but shit it's just Danish I've taken photos of this stuff before... I'm gonna make peanut butter and jelly ones. Then so many headz will be happy... But the pretties by far were these little flowered ones I made - like a pinwheel but enclosed and then I dropped so much cream cheese on it the little bitch didn't open up...Lucky for me, but not lucky for me - a LOT of my stuff got sent off to catering. Man I don't even eat @ catering - okay i did once. I had a piece of pork tenderloin and some fried oysters...but that was it...Attitude wise I had a better go of it today...A lot of the Patisserie kiddos are seriously disheartened by all the work we are doing...we are doing far too much production. This focus on volume is fucking INANE..we are here to study pastry and patisserie...not to bake oodles and oodles. As much as tuition is, we should be having fun & making beautiful things, artistic and fine things. Not churning out shit as if it were trade school. It's all I can do to keep my doughkidz together - I hand out bebe pep talks and hella hugs to make sure we're somewhat cohesive... Although that nasty filthy hoecake M------- needs to shut her piehole. First of all she's sloppy as hell. Second of all, she has no room to act all sister supreme burger coz her product is just like HER RUNNNN through. Also, she needs to save all the my boyfriend this my boyfriend that bullshit - coz the whole entire class knows she has the NERVE to say she love her man and then fuck that guy who lives upstairs. That ain't just dirty, that's three kinds of dirty...So she might as well put that in the freezer and let it sit - coz I ain't hearing it. Although one day she did volunteer to do my dishes, which is appalling coz she's not one to volunteer for SHIT. hmmmm. I'll have to ponder that one. I haven't eaten one pastry this week. I'm determined to graduate this shit smaller than when I came in...Almost everyone is rockin a double chin and to be honest that shit is makin me hella anxious - coz the senior girls from last set - all left school with they uniforms hella snug - I'm not tryin to look like the pillsbury dough girl with dope eyes. See for me, when you give someone that title - boyfriend: it means they are someone..and your behaviour should afford them a luxury called respect. It's never just been about respect of self and respect of your lover, that shit also includes respect to the relationship as it's own entity. That means I don't do stupid shit, ill shit, shady shit, weak shit that would ever cast any suspicion on the relationship or make it look like it's trembling. My love is strong. Everything else should be too. When you are loved properly - it's easy to do the right thing.
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