Call them whatever you'd like to call them but everyone has 1 goodie they can't resist. Over 10 years ago I used to suffer from this God Awful insomnia and the one thing that made me want to sleep was the smell of baking - so I started baking cookies. I was dating this guy at the time and he got me a 500 page book of cookie recipes. So for weeks I would just bake certain cookies over and over. My brother is a great "guinea pig" because he tells you specifically what is good and what is bad - and I tweeked a few choco chip recipes together and came up with my own formula.
To this DAY they it's still the most requested dessert I make...
Occasionally I do mailings...
I remember back in the day I started giving out big cookies tins for Christmas coz the money was tight and it quickly became the gift of choice.
Some people like oatmeal..
Some people like my variations on a rice crispy treat...
Some are brownie junkies...
Then I randomly throw in wedding cookies or bonbons...
Sometimes I do special requests for mr Man's office...
But then there's Goodies that aren't sweet at all...Funny the guy that would fall in love with me doesn't hardly ever like sweets...with the exception of a neopolitan cupcake I make for him
But for him Savory goodies are where it's at...
rice and sauteed dishes
and those diner type favourites like meatball sandwhich and fries...
I think his smile says it all...
I think cooking is dying in many ways. People who say they love it really can't cook for shit or concoct disgusting deconstructed food i mean really do i wanna eat some lavender lamb? Hellz no. When I was a working pastry chef I used to make family dinner for the kids at work and one night I made chicken and proscuitto florentine paninis and steak fries - coz I was pressed for time. One of the kids told me this is the best sandwhich I've ever had. I was like "shutttup, ur dad's an oncologist i'm sure you eat very well..." The poor kid said,"my mom might stay at home but she sure doesn't cook for us..." Sad.
Well it ain't dying in my house not as long as I can reach the stove and oven.
Nothing shows love like a home cooked meal. I'm so blessed to come from a culture that understands and embraces that. My mother raised 4 kids and worked graveyard shift for 13 years, but she made dinner EVERY night. Nothing canned, boxed or take out. She made rice and two kinds of ulam every night without complaint or thinking about it as a chore. We all ate dinner together as a family. I think that's one of the main reasons we're so close. I feel bad for kids nowadays who don't know what a home cooked meal is. Kids may have a more sophisticated pallet, but I'd rather have my mom's kare kare over filet mignon any day. I've NEVER ever had a meal in a restaurant that's better than anything my Kapangpangan mother can make with her own hands.
ReplyDeleteSAUCY!!! I'm so glad I found your blog!! Well I went to your myspace page and saw your post. I think about you often and your great yummy photos of your cooking and baking. I hope you come back and post soon! I'd love to buy some cookies btw! :)