An award by definition is:
1. To grant as merited or due: awarded prizes to the winners.
2. To give as legally due: awarded damages to the plaintiff.
well...at least according to freedictionary.com
I guess this is one of those pay it forward type blogger awards that people hand off to each other who like each others blogs.
I was handed mind by ScifiChick whom I met in the American Preppers Network Chat. I dig her blog because not only is it informative but she also lets you hitchhike on her journey.
Blogs are a 2 headed beast...I first started reading blogs about 10 years ago. As a person who has kept a journal since I was 11 it was almost like peeking into someones diary, back then people who blogged generally had something to say or at least documented their life in some way and it was like a tv series for your brain. And like anything that becomes fashionable and mainstream - blogging has become a bit bastardized. There are a LOT of people who now blog because it's no different than having a facebook, a twitter, a myspace, a whatever - it has put a LOT of pointless shit out there that isn't even worth reading - i mean C'MON do i really care if you got some makeup on sale, or that you are in line at the store, or you are hungry and don't know what to eat or blah blah blah. More and more it has become infested with pollution. I rarely go blog "shopping" anymore.
Why do i blog? Although I still keep a handwritten journal (unlined paper) thank you very much...blogging was a natural progression to document my cooking adventures and in my pre-prepping days I even used to write poetry. It was also an avenue for me to write down recipes for friends and family who were always asking for them. The last year and a half I've really slowed down on my social tirades and recipe posting but I am back at it again, at least once a week or if something great happens in the kitchen. But since I am learning more and more new things - I will start blogging again.
Well - back to the award. The award has two requirements: 1) disclose 7 things your readers might not know about you. 2) PASS this award onto 15 bloggers you think deserve the award.
Part 1) Disclosure
1) I don't sleep very long but when I do I'm out in a coma.
2) I took my first international flight by myself at 8 years old. Yup no lie
3) I only have 2 best friends - and that's enough for me.
4) I don't talk to exes in any way, shape or form. It's an exercise in futility.
5) I grind my teeth in my sleep.
6) I think people don't really need 8 glasses of water per day (see AU aboriginals)
7) I resent retarded people getting pregnant so easily.
Part 2) Hooking it up
Bear in mind these are in random order - and most of them probably don't even know I exist - which is okay for me because when you don't write for an audience you are generally sincere. This is in random order - and there are 2 or 3 more that i follow but this is what caught my eye.
1) My girl Alfie - not just for her art but just because she's awesome
2) My boy Jojo - even though he's like me and hasn't posted in the last couple years
3) That girl SciFiChick - coz "she's just sayin..."
4) Anthony - his blog is more on his photos, but our talks vary from horror flicks to hyperinflation and all the things in between
5) Korean Yummies - my bestie pointed me to this site! She makes it look easy yay
6) Ghostface Killa - just coz he's nuts...
7) the Homie Tariq - who else goes from AZ- S.America - AZ - relocate to Thailand
8) How to Butcher a Chicken - the title says it all
9) The Doctor who Knows What's Hot! - the doctor that loves to cook
10) Maggie - she's new to this prepping thing like me and I dig her perspective
11) Afroprepper - it's really a Vlog - but you KNOW it counts besides he's with me haha
12) Jason - one of my favorite artists
13) Survival blog - it was a kickoff point for me
14) Burnt Lumpia - just coz i like to see other Filipino Folks doin it in the kitchen!
15) Mine - well if you can't congratulate yourself who will. HAHA
Well that's it - that's the whole thing. We'll just see where it goes.
well...at least according to freedictionary.com
I guess this is one of those pay it forward type blogger awards that people hand off to each other who like each others blogs.
I was handed mind by ScifiChick whom I met in the American Preppers Network Chat. I dig her blog because not only is it informative but she also lets you hitchhike on her journey.
Blogs are a 2 headed beast...I first started reading blogs about 10 years ago. As a person who has kept a journal since I was 11 it was almost like peeking into someones diary, back then people who blogged generally had something to say or at least documented their life in some way and it was like a tv series for your brain. And like anything that becomes fashionable and mainstream - blogging has become a bit bastardized. There are a LOT of people who now blog because it's no different than having a facebook, a twitter, a myspace, a whatever - it has put a LOT of pointless shit out there that isn't even worth reading - i mean C'MON do i really care if you got some makeup on sale, or that you are in line at the store, or you are hungry and don't know what to eat or blah blah blah. More and more it has become infested with pollution. I rarely go blog "shopping" anymore.
Why do i blog? Although I still keep a handwritten journal (unlined paper) thank you very much...blogging was a natural progression to document my cooking adventures and in my pre-prepping days I even used to write poetry. It was also an avenue for me to write down recipes for friends and family who were always asking for them. The last year and a half I've really slowed down on my social tirades and recipe posting but I am back at it again, at least once a week or if something great happens in the kitchen. But since I am learning more and more new things - I will start blogging again.
Well - back to the award. The award has two requirements: 1) disclose 7 things your readers might not know about you. 2) PASS this award onto 15 bloggers you think deserve the award.
Part 1) Disclosure
1) I don't sleep very long but when I do I'm out in a coma.
2) I took my first international flight by myself at 8 years old. Yup no lie
3) I only have 2 best friends - and that's enough for me.
4) I don't talk to exes in any way, shape or form. It's an exercise in futility.
5) I grind my teeth in my sleep.
6) I think people don't really need 8 glasses of water per day (see AU aboriginals)
7) I resent retarded people getting pregnant so easily.
Part 2) Hooking it up
Bear in mind these are in random order - and most of them probably don't even know I exist - which is okay for me because when you don't write for an audience you are generally sincere. This is in random order - and there are 2 or 3 more that i follow but this is what caught my eye.
1) My girl Alfie - not just for her art but just because she's awesome
2) My boy Jojo - even though he's like me and hasn't posted in the last couple years
3) That girl SciFiChick - coz "she's just sayin..."
4) Anthony - his blog is more on his photos, but our talks vary from horror flicks to hyperinflation and all the things in between
5) Korean Yummies - my bestie pointed me to this site! She makes it look easy yay
6) Ghostface Killa - just coz he's nuts...
7) the Homie Tariq - who else goes from AZ- S.America - AZ - relocate to Thailand
8) How to Butcher a Chicken - the title says it all
9) The Doctor who Knows What's Hot! - the doctor that loves to cook
10) Maggie - she's new to this prepping thing like me and I dig her perspective
11) Afroprepper - it's really a Vlog - but you KNOW it counts besides he's with me haha
12) Jason - one of my favorite artists
13) Survival blog - it was a kickoff point for me
14) Burnt Lumpia - just coz i like to see other Filipino Folks doin it in the kitchen!
15) Mine - well if you can't congratulate yourself who will. HAHA
Well that's it - that's the whole thing. We'll just see where it goes.
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