Cetaphil is awesome fragrance free and non comodogenic - good for adults and kids. Try some you won't go back
chocolate chips 2.69 a lb
whole wheat flour 67 cents a lb
I found these giant candles for 2.39
taper candles were 32 cents
votive candles were 37 cents
I could have bought a lot more but I figure a handful is enough because we already have a LOT of candles.
vital gluten was 67 cents a lb (overorder mismark)
more whole wheat flour for 67 cents
This was all bulk @ Sprouts.
Whey Protein Isolate was $1.87/lb
Whey protein isolate was mismarked - normally it's $8.72/lb. That's whey drink powder - very good to have around the house and to have in your bug out bag. 2 tsps plus 10 oz of water and you have a power drink.
I doubt I'll be doing anymore shopping this week - I feel burnt out and worried lately and the rise in prices is really getting on my nerves.
Sometimes it's hard to socialize with zombies lol
ReplyDeleteI normally have a thicker skin but I just about crawl out my skin lately. Tonight we went out to sushi for my Godbrothers birthday and some Euro guy told his mail order bride to eat off his plate and not order...meanwhile he drank his sake shooters while she had ice water - LMFAO -- THEN he told her get a job application...GUUUUUUURL you know my trigger finger was itching - then he turned around to look at me and I patted my bag...Afro laughed and said the French looking fool wants to meet your hollow points bebe. HAHA.