Obama said,"...as a nation we must Share the Sacrifice..." THE HELL YOU SAY? Like as a nation we already haven't given enough shit for these wars and "humanitarian aid" and the replacement of jets and war machines. Meanwhile the schools, police, firemen, and sheriffs are being cut 30-50%.
Are you kidding me? You can slap that bullshit on a cupcake and feed it to some other moron coz I'm not choking it down.
Since I don't have any children I have never had any kind of deduction. I don't get any kind of income breaks and I always paid the most possible taxes out there. If it weren't for the deduction of the property taxes I pay and the remainder of the interest on a small school loan I wouldn't have ANY deductions. Meanwhile GE doesn't even pay taxes but gets far more breaks than a regular person.
This makes me really irate. As you can see from the photo above we bought the hype too. That was the day we voted for the bastard. Hope-nosis is a MF*&TJY!! It is what it is - but now we are awake and there is no going back. They are really about to twist it in and give it to us. Beware. If you don't have anything to protect your interests it might be wise to do something.
1) From my best chef friend who just came back from France to New Mexico - she sent me some marzipan and vanilla beans - YAY thank you.
2) A subscription to organic gardening from Mr. Man aka Afroprepper. Because I am always scrambling to look for stuff online and what not and I've gone to Bookman's used books many times with no luck finding books. thank you!
Whenever I buy apples at that super price I always have the produce manager cut one open so I can taste it and make sure they are big enough so that cooking them down isn't a waste of my efforts, these cut crisp and firm and tasted as a braeburn should - tart with a sweet afternote.
14lbs makes 12 pints - but the family ate about a pint of it. if you want the recipe it's below - if not just eyeball it - it will be fine.
The most work was chopping apples.
13lbs braeburn apples - cleaned and chopped
1 stick butter
4 c sugar
1 c water
1/4 c lemon juice
3T cinnamon
1 tsp pumpkin spice
bring to a hard boil - put in hot bottles and process as apple preserves per blue ball book.
Please try to garden.
Please try to stock up on anything you eat.
Please move carefully in this troubled world where people are feeling the strain of inflation.
Awesome hauls SheWoman! We dehydrate and prep most days and love what you and Mr. Man are saying!
ReplyDeleteAfter reading a bit on your blog for the first time last week, I decided to walk each aisle of my local grocery store this week. We scored on some pasta-7oz for .25. I wish I had someone to help me navigate my local Asian and Indian markets. I know there are some deals to be had there. After this post I will swing by my Walgreens and grab up some salmon!
Thanks for posting.. keep spreading the wake up call.
Did you get all that salmon at the same time?? I tried the separate ring up method you mentioned but only got six cans.