FACES OF DEATH. This is our lab mix - she looks so cute huh - she AIN'T. She has eaten many of our seedlings that had positive growth and signs of life. It's annoying - but a word to the fledgling watch your pets - i've heard horror stories about people waiting to harvest their stuff and then they came home and the dogs had eaten it all LOL.
She only acts like she doesn't want it - her head may be turned away but her body is pointed towards the plants. This is some bullshit - it's like playing basketball look where their feet are pointed. HAHA.
BAD GIRL!!!!!!!!
Below are the honeydew plants. A few months ago the wind had blown some seeds to the side of the house that I was getting ready to send overseas from some very good honeydew plants I had eaten. I didn't really pay attention to them and just left them in the rocks - last week there were signs of life. Of course the Lab has already eaten more than half of them so who knows if any will make it at all.
Below are the tobacco plants they seem to like it here but I dunno I'm a bit spooked since I've had a LOT of fatalities. I'm still watering them from the bottom but so far I've only had luck with the HOPI tobacco and none at all with the Louisiana tobacco.
Below are the spinach plants and some other thing I planted and forgot to label.
All I know is those were in there over 3 weeks and seemed to almost come up overnight
The dog had eaten all of the cucumber plants so I just put more seeds in there and let's hope it works, But now I've also included the carolina cucumbers in addition to the armenian.
This is some kind of sweet red pepper that someone gave me, like the spinach these also sat in the dirt over 3 weeks with no glimmer of life and then overnight they were there.
Everyone says tomatoes and green onions are easy - the transplant killed almost all 50 of those tomato seedlings. I guess I"ll be buying some plants that are just ready to go while I try to grow these for July. Annoying.
The cucumber and cantaloupe I replanted are starting to come back again but like I said I'm not holding my breath. I'm not being apathetic, but my skill level is just not there.
Now this weird thing has been happening with the green beans and pea sprouts - they sprout in like 3-4 days and then die at about the 10th day. I am definitely not overwatering them and I've moved them to indirect light and all that but they just die off. The crazy thing is that I've heard of this happening to other people in other parts of the country - so I'm just going to keep trying.
I know I know, it's time to move the squash - well we just finished mixing the soil and compost (3:1) and put them in the beds. I have no idea how loose that dirt is supposed to be or if I should just walk on it and really compress the dirt. But I will be putting the squash in tomorrow.
Freaky green beans just grow already.
Feel your pain on the dog thing. I have a tiny Doxie, who can get into every corner. I finally built a temporary fence.
ReplyDeleteLooking good. You are becoming a green thumb yet. Keep up the good work!!