Like I said this is our last ditch effort to help our friends - we have made an offer to various friends that if you give us 20 bucks a week we will provide you basic preps and split some of our bulk purchases with you. JD being as smart as he is handed the husband 40 bucks immediately.
I purchased the above items for him for $22.50 or something like that.
5 lbs of flax seed
5 lbs of lite red kidney beans
5 lbs of kidney beans triple cleaned
5 pkgs fettucine (12 oz pkg)
3 cans of pineapple bits
5 small bottles of peter pan peanut butter
2 pkgs of organic raisins
2 bottle of vinegar
From our pre inventory bulk I will also add
5 cups of oatmeal (10 servings)
5 cups of sugar
2 lbs rice (blue ribbon)
3 cans green beans
3 cans sweet corn
1 can salmon
1 can spam
1 can ham
1 can tuna
That is approximately 38 or 39 lbs of food for 40 dollars. In an emergency situation this will also feed him for 2 weeks. I haven't spoken to him yet about what he keeps in terms of alternate cooking, water, spices, etc. I keep his "stash" tracked on my excel spreadsheets as well as the date and amount of his contribution. The base "charge" for this will be $1 a lb. And I chalk up the slight markup to labor and gas surcharges.
I gain absolutely nothing doing this, actually it's a little more work for me. But we are doing this because we see that he has the desire to prep, is pinching his pennies to buy food and weapons and he has limited time and money to expend. So of course we will help him because he is helping himself he just doesn't have the 2 or 3 hours to dedicate to shopping.
He will pickup his preps here weekly or whenever he'd like and bringing them home until he has a 6 month stash. After that I will apply his contribution to long term preps such as wheat berries, bulk beans, sugar, honey, etc. In approximately 2 weeks I will also make him a miniature first aid kit to keep in his house and that will be charged accordingly out of his preps.
We had extended this offer to our friends back in February and they chuckled. Last month Mr. Man extended it to everyone but JD - nothing personal it just didn't occur to him, still those other friends said oh haha no thank you. Meanwhile they are buying new golf clubs, getting tattoos, taking little mini vacations, smoking weed, drinking their butts off and just blowing their money like their last name is Trump - I told Mr. Man - this is the absolute last time we will offer this to our friends because we do not benefit from this and all that chuckling and pshawing is really triggering violence inside of me - LOL.
I also advised him that after this - they are all to be advised that I have a 3 yard rule from our Front Door. Especially when SHTF it would be in their best interests to stay 20 feet from me at all times, because the door is closed.
I think you are doing a great thing. It is to bad that folks don't pay any attention to what is happening all around us. I love that you are helping your friend prep!!
ReplyDeleteLol! Back back gimme 50 feet! I agree totally!