It's getting a bit harder to get deals and I haven't had time to run to and from my usual stores - but I am doing what I can when I can and that includes buying non food related preps. I've also decided that I have to can at least once a week. 1 full batch of canned stuff whether it's meats or fruits or pickles - 1 batch has to happen per week MINIMUM.
My kitchen is really busy these days since I just had 3 1/2 moms here and there are still 2 Moms here. That kind of crowding encouraged me to take a break from dehydrating. Besides I'm waiting for the boys to build my sun drying rack things.
The first 6 lbs of strawberries were dedicated to preserves. To me preserves are more whole and to be enjoyed on desserts, ice cream sundae's or maybe even belgian waffles. Trim and Wash and Rest in Sugar...
Follow the Blue ball book for heirloom strawberry preserves and you can't go wrong.
This is the 3rd batch we've bought this month and definitely the most delicious.
Sugar 1.99 w/coupon
Kleenex .89 cents w/coupon
Nexcare Bandaids: free from rebate
I'm excited to see that Fry's carries canning jars and accept competitor coupons so I will end up buying jars there for a bit cheaper than Walmart.
But I know these will be at the MINIMUM good. Best case scenario they will be GREAT and I will have to buy 2 cases instead of half a case for variety. They were only .79 cents ea.
Yeah great more work for me haha.
I'm very happy that even if we are in the prepping together we still live in today...
I had about a 7 day period where I felt extremely exhausted to the point where I could barely lift my head at 3pm and keep it together. Saturday Sunday and Monday I spent almost the entire day and night asleep. Then today I woke up and felt normal. Very strange business.
My last final essay was assigned last night in Bio Ethics. I will dedicate the time to it and see it through. I got an A on my Math Final and can relax until July or August. I would really like to reorganize the house and work on the Ghetto Garden more. But I can't shake this feeling of urgency that I need to get things together very quickly. It is what it is...I still have a couple days left for week 2 - lets see what we can do.
All I can say is Dayumm Girl!!!! You have sure been busy!