We had a plastic barrier for a couple days but the winds have been strong lately and for this time of year the strongest they have been in the 10 years I've lived here. Regardless - the U of Az planting guide says we still have plenty of time for beans, cucumber, and melon. So we're just letting them grow. Mr. Man put in this wire fencing type stuff -it's not chicken wire but it's called something else. If it keeps the dog so be it - if it doesn't then it doesn't.
I'm sure everyone has some advice feel free to give it - I know some of them are fried and I know some of them are planted haphazardly. I know that square foot gardening is also an option and we have thousands of yards of cotton twine to do it. I know that the tomatoes probably won't make it since it's warming up but I just didn't have the heart to kill the only seedlings that made it. I know that I don't even give a shit - so give your advice and I'll give it back. Truth be told I'm fed up with the garden and I have moments I want to put bbq fluid on it and burn that mofo down...but I won't - coz the Mr. is determined and I won't pee on his parade.
*shrugs again*
Maybe I should get out of town for a bit then this can all be fun again. LOL.
I hope all of your gardens are doing better than mine.
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