Well...basically this is our 3rd round of seeds - the first one I lodged (overwatered - they grew straight up and tipped over), the 2nd ones got fried by a sudden week of 103 degree weather and what did survive was eaten by the dog...Half of this 3rd round grew strong then withered and died.
It's really starting to frustrate me. I'm kind of that typical overachiever and try to get a handle on things early on be it painting, cooking, writing, grades (yeah i'm a 4.0-er), whatever it is - I try to stay at the top of the class. This gardening thing is a whole different monster because you have some control but not complete control.
But it's a learning process and truly I wish I would have learned earlier.
Mom2 said that there are skills that you must learn to get along in this life - spiritual, familial, school, driving, swimming, cooking, cleaning and sanitation, table manners and at least have a grasp on a couple languages...but surprisingly she said shooting and gardening. This really surprised me because she is a Physician. A bonafide doctor. Turns out that part of her externship was being a jungle survival medic for the military. LOL - my GodMomma can rock a machine gun and a glock with the best of them. Mom1 said "I just don't understand why my daughter is doing these things"...and Mom2 said,"because these are things that people should know, especially when America is changing..." I guess we are getting the change the Clown in Chief promised us. Bastid.

Anyhow these are the little metal cubes I picked up at a garage sale and use them for seedlings. Sometimes I look at other peoples garden pictures and it seems like theres are so much further along than ours.
What can you do.

We transplanted the HOPI tobacco - 6 of 12 seedlings survived. Just keeping it pushing along. We also started some sacred tobacco in the house to baby until the fall.

I think these are black squash...they'd been in there awhile and out of nowhere they came out.

Same thing happened with these carolina cucumbers - they had been in the dirt for a month and I was just randomly watering them and then all the sudden they sprouted. You can see the tomato seedlings underneath.
Who knows.

There is the evil plant eater. Funny how now her favorite sleeping spot is facing the raised beds. Truth be told it makes me a bit nervous.

We still have some organic potting mix and will get another 50 just in case we need it. The big terracotta pot is ready to go when it's time to put something in there.

My gardening coach Mushroom suggested I plant some random stuff around for the bad doggie to eat so I threw some watermelon seeds down - but she hasn't eaten them. Go figure.

Mr. Man built these nice raised beds himself. Today I found this linen cloth in a trunk and just weighed down the corners with rocks. Mr. Man (
aka afroprepper) was nice enough to cut down the sticks and drill them into the corners

As you can see there is a red border around the inside of the bed. All I did was cut up the old bags from the compost and tie them onto the stakes and cut V's so the air could flow through them. It's a little barrier for the curious doggies. Looks like the beginning of cucumbers, peppers and green beans. We have some flowers and other things in the white pots that we will slow grow until around July. maybe.

This is the smaller bed. We put the butternut squash all on one side because we didn't know if they would all make it since we were having such fatalities. That chunk in the middle is canteloupe, on the left are contender beans and in the front is sweet pepper and some kind of tomato plants that hid alongside the squash. I didn't bother to move it for fear that I would kill it.
Maybe we'll start a window farm too.
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