Ham was on sale this week $1.27 /lb. Still not as good as the sale prices on major holidays but not bad at all. Truthfully it was one of the few edible items worth buying this week.
sliced rounds - sandwhiches
long slices - stirfry or sautes
chunks - salads, fried rice or with crackers
This cut did not have much waste. It was just a small cereal bowl full of waste. I reserved the skin and bone for broth.
Once the meat is prepared start the broth.
Then I lined up the hot empty jars on the towel.
Meats should go to the 1 inch mark.
Once filled I put a pinch of red hot chili flakes and parsley on the top of each pile. That is for both color and flavor.
Tighten it finger-tight.
Turn the heat to high.
Pints: 75 minutes
Quarts: 90 minutes
Once the time is up turn off the heat and wait for the nipple to deflate. Do not touch the weight (jiggler). Do not touch the nipple. Be patient you will know once it stops.
Be careful, it's super hot!
I know I overcooked mine a bit because I fell asleep while it was venting. But it didn't dry out - The next morning I removed the caps and scrubbed down the lids and bottles. I must admit these are some of the better seals I've had.
Canning Ham made me very nervous and I was watching it and listening for strange noises but they came out all right.
10 lbs made a tightly stuffed 8 pints.
It's just easier that way.
I will do the 8 pound ham tomorrow as well as some ham broth for soups.
Keep it Poppin' Keep it Choppin!