Another recipe.
Last night I asked Mr.Man to pick up 10lbs of ground chuck at Albertson's because it was only $1.88/lb. Well We normally get it at Basha's because the Bashas ground chuck is 90/10, Once I opened the Albertsons bag I figured out it was 80/20. 80/20 is very fatty so I pinched off a couple lbs to make some jalapeno burgers and the rest I decided was better for meatloaf.
8 lbs beef makes 11 pints

3 grated carrots
1 chopped onion
4 chopped jalapenos
1 white onion diced
4 green onions sliced

8 lbs beef
3 tbsp oregano
2 tbsp paprika
4 tbsp creole seasoning
2 tbsp lemon pepper
6 tbsp salt
5 tbsp garlic powder

6 eggs
3 cups oatmeal (adds fiber and absorbs fat)
1 cup bbq sauce
1 cup ketchup

Mix it all up. mix it thoroughly. I do the mixing with no hands so I can feel if I missed anything, and I can also make adjustments based on texture. Feel free to adjust the recipe to your own liking, some folks mix salsa in or ketchup or even barbecue sauce. It's up to you - make it so you will enjoy eating it.

Once everything is thoroughly mixes I let it rest on the counter while I prepare the jars and canner

Wash the canner, the jars and the lids.
Add vinegar to the water and set it on the stove on medium heat letting it wait with the filled water jars inside.

I set the jars aside with hot water and let the lids dry.

Set your tools out ensuring everything is clean.
If you have gloves get a few out.

Fill the jars about half way. and push down getting out as much air as possible in the sides. I found the best way is to push down the middle and then...

keep pushing down the middle and sides and then fill the centers until it is right below the one inch mark.

Keep pushing and try to keep it as clean as possible.

Don't overpush or it sucks out and comes out with your hand. LOL

These ones are really grungy feeling - so I wiped off the jars 3 times!

Place lids from the hot water...

Shake off Caps and tighten them on jars finger tight...finger tight is one firm turn of your hand.

Place in hot water so they are not touching. Um, you might want to use the jar lifter, I usually don't use the jar lifter at this stage but I have heat resistant hands lol.

Cover and wait for nipple to Pop. Vent for 7 minutes. Then wait for jiggler (weight to start dancing)
Pints: 1 hr 15 mins 10lbs pressure
Quarts: 1 hr 30 mins 10 lbs pressure
But that is the lbs for our elevation please check the ball canning book for your elevation time.

I had this bit left over...so I sanitized another 8 jars for a second batch. The additional meat only fit 3 jars so I flash defrosted 8 chicken breasts and canned an additional 5 pints of chicken.

So here are the results.
1 late night canning session
11 pints canned meatloaf
5 pints canned chicken breast.
That's it.
We like to take our meatloaf - slice it and then pan fry until crisp and eat as a slider! How do you all like yours? If there is a small bit left I slice it in french fry cuts and dip in tempura batter then fry it again. Not a diet food!
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