I'm getting tired of all these OMNISCIENT people who think they know it all and are actually going so far as to tell people to give up their phone and internet and "cut back" in order to buy more quality, heirloom, organic shit - and MOVE from their current locations into the outer limits and be one with the earth and to SHUN all store-bought goods because they have additives and are GMO and all that shit. C'mon. The crazy thing is I'm actually cool with the person who said this shit and she even helped me kick off gardening with seeds. How PRIDEFUL. How ARROGANT - to inflict your lifestyle on others.
1) Many people cannot simply get up and go - and leave all that they know to live on some land where they can grow something. It is NOT that simple because even if their credit is tiptop they may not be liquid enough in their cash or career to make such a drastic move.
2) How the SHIT would someone in the middle of Manhattan, LA or San Francisco afford that drastic change in eating and storage? Should they just walk 20 blocks to work and give up the subway? Be considerate in your advice
3) While they are learning to plant and garden and purify their home water what are they supposed to eat? If you don't eat something you will not have the energy to learn. Don't treat people like they are a bunch of Damn PARIAHS because they are still eating some processed food. That is just EFFING RIDICULOUS - what that does is discourage movement towards preparation. It ain't what was said - it's your fucking tone and the sentiment of your words.
4) How OBNOXIOUS to discourage anyone from prepping in the best way they can especially in these times when prices are increasing and they are already able to buy less - you DARE to tell them to cut back when they are already doing the best they can. AND on top of that such people are knocking the stuff that's canned and dehydrated from their own hands? Funny shit - like oh it just ain't good enough. Hahaha that's funny.
5) I'mma keep Preppin...Eff The Rest...Ironically - some of our preps are possibly GMO, very little of it is from China (especially not the food), but when i hear stupid shit that just makes me prep harder. I will not sit on the high horse of preps - and knock anyone for what they've got. I will admit that I do worry about people who have 100% canned and processed and I make moves to help them in any way I can even if it's just ideas, recipes and links.
How dare ANYONE discourage others from prepping when inflation and prices are making prepping already an expensive affair. Acknowledge what people do...Encourage them to go FURTHER...Suggest with humility and an open ended manner. Don't FORCE me to be an ASSHOLE...Don't FORCE me to be IMPOLITE - because if need be I will verbally TAX THAT ASS.
You're lucky you ain't down the street.
The salsa recipe is on my previous blog.
We decided to pick up another 16 lbs because the price was so cheap and I would make some spaghetti sauce with it.
Everything else was 99cents each.
I mean if you are doing the rounds - you might as well figure out a "route" so that you are stopping at stores along the way instead of backtracking.
I think people fail to realize that Salt is important in your preps. Walk into any non prepped house - I guarantee you they will have maybe 1 canister of salt.
We keep as many types of salt that we can; iodized, sea salt fine, sea salt course, kosher, pickling, ice cream, pink, black and whatever else we can get our hands on. I can't make salt, and besides, it doesn't expire. This will probably be the single cheapest thing you can trade with others - it's not just seasoning it's a preservative.
So this is salsa for Poppa Afro in Law . 7 lbs tomatoes, 5 jalapeno, 1/2 large white onion, garlic, cilantro, herbs and lemon juice - made 8 pints. I doubt he will take 8 of them but it doesn't hurt to have them on hand.
First of all start your sauce as early as you can. Second of all think about more than 15lbs of tomatoes because it cooked down to nothing.
Make your meatballs to taste.
Start the meatball process when the sauce is almost reduced to half.
The sauce should be done by now.
Process as you would "chili" in the blue ball canning book. I think 1hr 30mins @ 10lbs pressure for our location.
I'm really not OCD. haha yes I am.
Do what you can!
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