I picked up 8+ lbs of beef. Ground Round was only $1.87 a pound; 1/3 of it I cooked into 3 portions of taco meat for Mr. Man to eat while I'm gone, the other 2/3rds are for canning. I know what everyone says - he's a big boy he can cook for himself - sure he can - or he can just live on kettle chips and beer. At least it's there. At least I give a shit.
I also checked the freezer for anything that wasn't likely to be cooked by Afro since it involved prep/defrost time and I found a package of chicken breasts and another package of about 6 pork chops. I canned part of the chicken into chicken soup with potato and the pork i cubed and made into Filipino Style Adobo. 4 pints each.
The adobo looks a bit boring but believe me the taste is not.
20 pints assorted
2 half pints mango lime jam
12 four oz jars of preserves.
I guess I finally got my timing down.
3 mango lime jam
4 strawberry jam
5 grape jelly
They sure are cute. This will probably be the only prepping I do until I come back.
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