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Tuesday, October 30, 2012

I'm not stealing ok...

So I've been couponing for a few months now.  Not anything crazy like the chicks on the tv show  - but enough to where I have a little envelope...

I got these minute rice 2 packs for 25 cents

I went to the walmart and the cashier acted like I was stealing or something I had the ads to match and she buckled me on every single price match.  I finally asked her,"Why do you act like I'm taking money out of your own personal pocket --- when you damn well know your minimum wage making ass has no reason to be rude to me nor to be loyal to the people who own this damn walmart."  Well that knocked the rudeness right out of her ass.  I mean seriously, the stupid commercials say we price match - then you show up to price match and all they do is give you grief.

I ended up getting all these super D vitamins (gel caps) for 99 cents each.  I have a bunch of other stuff too - like challenge grade AA butter for 99 cents - 25lbs of blue ribbon long grain rice for $7 - jergens 8 oz ultra healing for $1 - various high end razors by gilette for him and her at about 1.99 a piece. My fave is 42oz of kielbasa for 4.15 and tyson chicken breasts for 1.99 a bag.

I only use coupons on what we use - or what my brother or sisters houses can use.  I will not buy 200 sports drinks, or 100 bottles of ketchup, or 300 cases of soda even if I can get them for free.  I focus on stuff we can use like Toilet Paper (12 pack cottonelle for 3.50 after coupons and instant rebate) and different dog food deals.  I already have 2 years of feminine paper products up and 2 years of toothpaste including sensodyne whitening and aim super clean whitening...some of them free and some of them under $1.

I got these flintstones vitamins for my 7 yr old niece they ended up being $3 a bottle after my coupons.  This will hold her until about next August.

I am not greedy - I always pay something.  Because the stores have to make money in order for us to continue getting deals.

The shop I work at gets a local free paper a few times a week.  The friday one has the P&G coupons.  The Sunday one has a redplum coupon book and another less popular coupon book.  The staff hides the papers in my locker until I come in on Monday.

I remember one day I got 5 lbs of butter, 4 packs of kraft singles, 1 lb mozarella, 1 lb medium cheddar, 1 lb meunster, 2 cream cheese, 2 marzettis caesar dressing, 2 boxes organic spinach, 2 tictacs...for a little over $18.  But as always those are things we use. 

I ran into a former co-worker of Mr. Mans when he was in sales at the grocery store and she was so happy to see me.  I invited her over that night to bring baby because I hadn't seen her in 3 years.  She saw our pantry and home and she said,"I'm so happy you two are still together and still in love - you are doing so well for yourself and are so prepared and thriving as usual."  I told her about prepping as a method to saving on expenses and not taking useless trips to the store.  I also admitted that I use coupons for things that we eat or consume such as vitamins.  She told me that she tried couponing but she just "doesn't get it" or she "loses patience"  She then admitted to me that after her husband (who is a real jackwagon and I never did like)  married her - he stopped giving her money and stopped paying her for working - UNBELIEVABLE!  She then admitted she and her daughter are on state medical benefits and food stamps.  WOW!  I don't even know how she managed that because her husbands business makes pretty good money.  Unbelievable and embarrassing.  I was thoroughly embarrassed for her.

Sometime soon - all these little government benefits will be cut off.

Then what will they do?

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