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Tuesday, December 23, 2008

23 Dec 2008: Makin’ Time...

You know...I was so excited last week. My Alfie Ebojo joint finally came in the mail with a Christmas Card and doppio Ugly Dolls...Aww Thank you Alfie for the talented whoa-man you are and the thoughtful gifts and bebe wishes!!!

I'm actually going to have to reposition some of the art around the walls but for now it sits on a wall flanked by a tv where we play games. LOL It's all a battlefield isn't it!

And don't make me talk about how cute these ugly's are and ironically I also have the matching journals...

So Wendy & The Grimey One have been sick and I've been I tell her would you like some kind of soup/congee? She's like,"if you are offerin' i'm not refusing." She was enroute to practice....So I made Filipino arrozcaldo - it is a rice porridge with garlic, chicken, ginger, saffron and spices. The variation I made was like the chinese congee/jook which tops it with wild mushrooms and shredded beef. Hahahahha just add a splash of soy and sesame...Yummy!

Of course I always pack my bestussest homies to go containers.

I have to add that due to the fact that my tupperware gets parked at other people's houses I started buying REAL to go containers. HAHA. That ain't right! So not right.

While I was waiting for the arrozcaldo/jook/congee to simmer...I also made a batch of spicy pork adobo for my godbrother - I worked all half days last week just because I could...And my brother is on some single man stuff coz my bro and sis are overseas for a month...

But yeah. Ad-OHHHH-bo. ya heard?

Bwaa hahhahhha.

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