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Friday, October 7, 2005

07 Oct 2005: WTF Day Part II

Now granted, the temperatures have cooled down by about 7-10 degrees around here. But still, that only brings us to the mid 90's at best. This of course makes me happy, coz I don't feel peaked and faint just walking across the parking lot to the shop. It is even comfortable. However, I saw no less than 3 women today eating lunch in denim jackets, on OUTSIDE patios. Have they lost their bearings? 90's does not equal denim jackets. I mean it's still like 88 degrees at night. I mean come on ladies - it's not that serious. WTF.
I felt rushed and even though I accomplished a lot, I need to be able to do MORE! I need better work shoes. People are makin' fun of my baby doc martens calling me punk chef. I checked out some chef clogs - but they are 100 bucks. Now, I am even willing to spend 300 on shoes if I can try them on. I hate to buy shoes that are that plain for so much without having tested them before...WTF!!!
Quite a few people have been telling me lately that I'm losing more weight, or I look different, or there is something different about me or my face looks different. I'm not different - my hair is longer and I'm wearing my wire rim glasses coz i'm too lazy to go to the optometrist...The italian dude at work (complete with sicilian accent) says i look sexy in glasses and it makes him imagine how naughty i am in bed...freakin' hornball. WTF!!!
Why did dude order a strawberry vanilla moussecake...with a pink zebra design on top...i should have taken a picture. That was fruitier than a fruit roll up...WTF!!!
I'm a bit tired today. I'm too young to be tired. WTF.
The little wood piece on my italian easel is fixed. And the Carpenter did it for free - that's a YIPPEE WTF
JDT is out of control. WTF...
That movie Mail Order Wife is HELLA out of control. The part where she says you get fuck out 'kay.--- blew me off Hyders leather sofa...WTF

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