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Thursday, January 18, 2007

18 Jan 2007: Groove Candy...Groovy Kisses...Goody Food Mob

Category: Blogging

First of all Happy Birthday Brothuh Dumpsey - I have your birthday cheesecake, just not goin' out tonight since I got up at 6am and spent the better part of the day at work. Nuthin' but love for you baby.

...Groove Candy Recap...

About a week ago - Wendy, Grime and I smeared out to Groove Candy for a little night out. Wendy and I are super horrible at watching the time once we start yappin - and especially after we haven't seen each other for a week and stuff. Nonetheless. It was a fun night. Kind of odd though - Wendy and I get EYEHUMPED a lot and that night I was pretty cool with hiding beside Wendy in the Booth. I was a verbalistic misfit with quite a few guys - but so what! It just cracks me up how dudes think they can wave you over and you're gonna walk over there - YAH right...All you are getting from me is the Kung Fu cut your throat sign language. Okay!!!

Here are the pics that ensued.

No one told me that was the "finger" picture!!!

Double Trouble Yaddadaheard?


Let me tell you. I have never seen more men in one concentrated area capable of feelin' themselves. Well don't lie to yourself you Jon B and John Legend Wannabees. Your heads are so big your ears clap and I thought I was watchin' the sequel to DUMBO. Bwaa hahaha. Just hilarious. I like how people ask other people if they know who Wendy and I are. Thanks - that's just ALL the more reason to point at you and LAUGH. My absolute favourite was the guy who practically jumped in front of Wendizzle's car tryin' to get her attention - WUT!

Carlie is great - 'nuff sed.

So after Groove Candy we stopped for funky food and stayed up talkin' til 5am. I love that comfy bed and slept super well - especially after I discovered the "ocean" setting on that fancy shmancy little alarm clock/mp3 dock. Of course the boyfriend called early in the morning from his business trip and I couldn't be mad coz I was so happy to hear his voice. My 2 friends were sleeping happily - so I got up and threw my cheffin' gear in the washing machine and made them a bomblette, and left a myspace message.

Andouille Sausage, Green Onion, Tomato and Colby Jack.

Of course I ended wakin' my girl up anyway coz I needed face moisturizer and I wanted to hug everyone hello. hahaha. I was like Rise and Shine - bomblette's are on. Hahahhaa - they hadn't even heard me stirrin' around the house and shit. Awesome. It's all love in that house. Believe me when I tell you it's time for a slumber party SOOOON.

...on Groovy Kisses...

I like the time we spend makes you love the time spent together. I adore that he is absolutely fearless and driven. There are no small moments everything is Major. I like the witty repartee...the street edged teasing...the fundamental conversations...the exchanges over meals. His manners are impeccable ALL THE TIME. Everyone I've introduced him to has found him charming with that contagious smile of his. Shit who am I kiddin' --- I think he's charming and I see him almost every day... I suppose this is the difference between building versus old fashioned falling.

Other's may have written me poetry, but none of them existed poetically. He exists poetically.


...on Goody Food Mobbin'...

Alfie said there is a concept of transferring energy and the energy put forth in preparing a meal is also the energy that nourishes the body...that it's NOT just the nutrients and minerals involved. I had always noticed in the past when I cooked mad everything went wrong. That right THERE is why I do not cook when I'm angry, irritated or irate. That is why I think giddy, fun, happy love thoughts while I cook. That is why I will only cook for those whom I love and/or care about. That is why I focus on every meal like it's going to be the best one I'll make ever even if it's just eggs. That is why I'm learning to look at every cake I make as if I'm makin' it for someone I know. Because bitterness like sweetness can be transferred.

Once a week I voluntarily make family dinner for the team at work. This is out of pocket for Jesse and I. Jesse is one of the managers and he's the dopest cat ever. He's from solid family stock, driven, handsome, uber-intelligent while unbelievably clever and my rock at the shop. He keeps me grounded and when shit fell down last year he told me in a firm brotherly voice,"You are stronger than that girl - Stay up..." I have a natural bond with him, he is truly my brother now - and family meal is one of our weekly rituals. Tonight it was a chicken cream soup with potatoes and veggies (no pic - too blah)...however, since Jesse bought so much chicken - I made him an almond chicken with jalapeno, green bellpepper and red take HOME. Hahahha - If you all have never had food don't know what love is. See below. makes me laugh when the kiddo's send me text messages when they aren't even workin' askin' if it's family dinner night. Hahahha. You know if you're hungry I'm feeding your happy ass. dishes are becoming more creative. Last night for a side I made steamed then carmelized yams sauteed with roasted bellpepper and grape tomatoes then drizzled with sesame oil and some salt. I feel a bit of a challenge with Julian's appetite. He is SO not picky. I only know 2 other people who love vegetables and produce as much as he it makes me want to do unconventional combinations that surprise him. I love it when his eyes get really big and he's like did it again. That's the thing about people who enjoy and embrace life...they are willing to dive into uncharted flavors. This is going to be fun.

**hey Wendy - you hungry yet**'s funny. I cook way more now than I have at any other time I've lived here in the desert. I love watching my friends and Julian get that excited look as the food is ready or being tasted. It's like a childlike excited GLEE. I laugh way too much these days. There's just a lot of love everywhere ALL the time. Now that I'm happy I find myself surrounded by happy people and smiling is natural. I love the noise and chatter and happy sounds of people lingering over a meal or me cooking. If only everyone had the Ooh's AND Aah's.

People should be kissed and hugged and loved and looked upon with the shiny eyes of happiness. It's like watering'll just make you grow.

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